
February Newsletter 2019

I recently passed the Siemens factory in Hull where they are making wind turbines. They are HUGE – each blade is 75 m (nearly 250 feet) – each longer than a 747 jumbo jet! The blades are designed to catch the wind and produce clean energy. Seeing these giants reminded me of prayer – and particularly of our prayers for the Peqin project. As we align ourselves with God, we connect in with His good and perfect will. There is so much power here, as we pray, our circumstances and ourselves are changed. Please join with our brothers and sisters in Albania to ask, seek and knock (Matt 7:7-12), knowing anything we ask Jesus for in His name will be given to us (John 14:13).

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
1 Chronicles 16:34

God’s Plan for Peqin

The Peqin project is our first outside of Elbasan and it’s had its fair share of challenges. A break in where all the food and learning materials were stolen, and funding which ran out in December 2018. Many of you have been praying for Peqin and last month we were able to say thanks for the generous donations that will keep the project running until May. It’s amazing to be able to report that God still has a plan for Peqin and is working through your prayers. Whilst praying for Peqin, a vision was shared with the trustees of an enlarged day centre, expanded from the current building, serving the community with a cafe and safe space for children to do their homework. In the middle of a funding crisis, expansion was definitely not on our list. Amazingly, God has provided even more than we could have imagined…

The Church in Peqin, in partnership with a Church in Germany, has purchased the day centre building and will provide it to A2B rent free! We are even having conversations about how we might extend the building and bring the vision into reality. God is good. Give thanks that God is working in such a powerful way, give thanks for His Church around the world working as His hands and feet. Pray for the staff and leadership of A2B as they continue to work, please pray that God would bring long term and sustainable funding for the project. Most of all, please pray for the children and community of Peqin, that they would feel God’s love and be blessed through this project.

Foster Care Pilot Project

A2B Albania will pilot a project in Tirana (Albanian capital) in foster care called “a Family for Me”. The project is funded by “SOS village” which has won grants from the European Union. Fostering is almost unknown in Albania, and this is a great opportunity for us to be involved in some ground-breaking work caring for children in need. Give thanks for the doors that God is opening and the new partners he connects us to. Please pray for A2B as we learn and grow the new skills required for this project. Please pray for the children we support, that they would feel safe and loved.

House of Opportunity

HOP supports young adults as they come out of care provide support to help them integrate back into the wider community. Please pray that the Lord will provide volunteers (possibly a married couple) who would come and serve in the role of their house parents. Pray for the current staff as contracts come to an end that the Lord will bless them in the next step of their journey with Him. 

Please pray:
  • Give thanks for the good health news of one of the residents of the House of Opportunity, she does not have a tumour.
  • For God to powerfully reduce the financial and spiritual poverty that afflicts Albania.
  • For jobs to become available for those seeking employment.
  • That God will provide for and take care of all that are in need of A2B services.
  • For good physical, psychological and spiritual health for all, including the staff and volunteers of A2B.
  • Many people are suffering from flu at the moment. Please pray for a speedy recovery and return of strength.
  • Some members of staff and their families are also struggling with other health issues, and also members of their families are suffering. Some family members need employment.
  • Pray that God will also raise new A2B leaders who will advance the vision of A2B Albania with integrity, honesty, trust and compassion.



Happy Birthday Hope for the Future! 

3 years ago, the Hope for the Future project was launched. The centre is funded in partnership with the Paul Ritzau foundation and we are so grateful for the continued support of Paul and Monika. The project supports around 75 children in the kindergarten and homework club and acts as a hub for other projects such as Kidzplanet – the project for children with special needs. Thank God for the blessing that this project is, for learning, fun and childhood memories. Give thanks for the staff who teach, feed and support the children and give thanks for everyone at the Paul Ritzau foundation – that God would bless them. Please pray for the children, that they would continue to learn and grow, that relationships between the children in the project would be positive and that they would all be well looked after by their families. Pray this project would be a beacon of God’s love in Elbasan.

“The poor will again find joy in the LORD, and the neediest of people will
rejoice in the holy one of Israel.” (Isaiah 29:19)