January Newsletter 2019

As the winter really starts to bite, A2B are working in lots of different ways to help people keep warm, join us in praying for our clients and staff in a country with little central heating…
3 Ways to Keep Warm this Winter

1. Healthy food and a warm stove. In December A2B started the winter project with Food Bank Albania. 75 families were referred to A2B by the local social services and will receive food packages from the 200kg of food that was collected from local supermarkets and 400 kg that was donated by employees of the city hall in Elbasan. Give thanks for the food bank project and the number of people that it can help. Pray for those struggling in the cold winter months choosing between food and staying warm.

2. Hugs! In January, we brought old and young together to “give a warm hug to grandpa or grandma”. Many younger people in Albania have moved away looking for work, and have left behind older family members. This was an opportunity to bring the generations together and keep relationships warm. Give thanks for community and the relationships that God gifts us. Pray for the elderly generation in Elbasan, that A2B would be able to support them through the increased feeling of isolation that winter can bring.

3. Cosy Toes! Christmas was extended this year as our family link and kindergarten children were given new shoes. These were kindly donated by the Tirana based Christian Radio station “Radio 7”. Giving someone warm dry feet for the winter is a fantastic gift. Thanks Radio 7! Give thanks for Radio 7, for a new collaboration with a partner and what God might do there. Pray for the children that received the shoes that God would bless their bodies and minds richly as they continue to attend A2B kindergartens and homework clubs.

Other Prayers

Elections for the new Mayor

The mayoral election will be held in February. Mayors hold significant power in Albania so please pray that God would put the right person in this position. Pray for a leadership that governs without corruption and for the benefit of the people.

A2B Staff

Give thanks for Elona and Keta whose enthusiasm, energy and vision sustain and grow A2B in Albania. Give thanks also to the many teams of people who work tirelessly to love and care for the most vulnerable in Albania. Please pray for wisdom, positive relationships, for strength and endurance, and that they may find rest in God. Most of all, give thanks for the work that Jesus is doing in Elbasan and the surrounding area and all the lives being touched.

Thanks for your Generosity
We are so grateful for your giving over the Christmas period and it builds our faith knowing that God is in control. We can testify that God is our faithful provider! Another Life Elbasan now has confirmed funding for another 2 years through our partners St Mensenkinderen. Another Life Peqin has funding until the end of April, which is an amazing answer to prayer! Thank you so much. The UK team had prepared an appeal to raise money for this project, but this was never launched as God, through you all, kept providing until we had reached our target, without asking!  We have not reached the end of the journey in Peqin and God continues to inspire people with pictures of a growing project. Please ask God, our perfect provider, that He would provide a long term solution for this project. 

“The poor will again find joy in the LORD, and the neediest of people will
rejoice in the holy one of Israel.” (Isaiah 29:19)